NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Moments Chapter 7 The Last Leaf

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Moments Chapter 7 The Last Leaf free PDF is given here. These Solutions contains answers to all questions provided in the textbook. Class 9th English Moments Chapter 7 solutions are explained by the expert English teacher and as per NCERT (CBSE) guidelines.

Think About It

Question 1: What is Johnsy’s illness? What can cure her, the medicine or the willingness to live?

Answer: Johnsy was suffering from pneumonia. Only the willingness to live could cure her. She had made up her mind that she was not going to get well. The doctor said that if she did not want to live, then medicines would not help her.

Question 2: Do you think the feeling of depression Johnsy has is common among teenagers?

Answer: I think that the feeling of depression which Johnsy has is common among teenagers. But it depends on the situations of life. If teenagers have got Johnsy’s conditions, they may have this feeling. If they live in a family and are strong-willed, this depression may not be in them.

Question 3: Behrman has a dream. What is it? Does it come true?

Answer: Behrman had a dream to paint a masterpiece in his life. He kept waiting for the opportunity to give it a practical shape. Yes, he could materialize his dream when he painted the last leaf of the ivy creeper.

Question 4: What is Behrman’s masterpiece? What makes Sue say so?

Answer: Behrman’s masterpiece was the ivy leaf he painted the night the last leaf on the creeper fell. The leaf looked green and healthy like a natural leaf.

Sue calls the leaf painting a masterpiece because it made Johnsy believe that it was the real, natural leaf left on the creeper and this gave her the will to live and she was able to recover from her illness. Behrman’s masterpiece saved her life but took his own.

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