NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife contains answers to the exercise questions given in ‘Contemporary India’. These solutions will help students for the preparation of CBSE Class 9 SST exam. All the answers are useful for exams as most of the questions are asked from the NCERT textbooks. So, students can study these solutions and score high in their exams.

Class 9 Geography Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Questions and Answers

Question 1: Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below:

(i) To which one of the following types of vegetation does rubber belong to?

(a) Tundra
(b) Tidal
(c) Himalayan
(d) Tropical Evergreen

Answer: (d) Tropical Evergreen

(ii) Cinchona trees are found in the areas of rainfall more than

(a) 100 cm
(b) 50 cm
(c) 70 cm
(d) less than 50 cm

Answer: (a) 100 cm

(iii) In which of the following state is the Simlipal bio-reserve located?

(a) Punjab
(b) Delhi
(c) Odisha
(d) West Bengal

Answer: (c) Orissa

(iv) Which one of the following bio-reserves of India is not included in the world network of bio reserve?

(a) Manas
(b) Nilgiri
(c) Gulf of Mannar
(d) Nanda devi

Answer: (a) Manas

Question 2: Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) What is a bio-reserve? Give two examples.

Answer: Bio-reserves are the large areas where vegetation, wildlife and the environment are conserved to preserve the biological diversity. E.g. Sunderbans Bio-reserve in West Bengal and The Nilgiri Bio-reserve, which covers parts of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka.

(ii) Name two animals having habitat in tropical and montane type of vegetation.

Answer: Tropical animals: Tiger, Elephant Montane animals: Snow Leopard, Spotted dear.

Question 3: Distinguish between

(i) Flora and Fauna

Answer: Flora – The term flora is used to denote plants of a particular region or period.
Fauna – The species of animals are referred to as fauna.

(ii) Tropical Evergreen and Deciduous forests

Tropical Evergreen ForestsTropical Deciduous Forests
These are also called Rain Forest.These are also called Monsoon Forest.
Present in areas receiving more than 200 cm of rainfall.Present in areas receiving rainfall between 70 cm and 70 cm.
There is no definite time for the trees to shed their leaves.The trees shed their leaves for about six to eight weeks in dry summer.
Common animals found in these forests are elephants and monkeys.Common animals found in these forests are lions and tigers.
Common trees found in these forests are Ebony, mahogany, rosewood, rubber, cinchona.Common trees found in these forests are Teak, sal, bamboo, shisham, sandalwood

Question 4: Name different types of Vegetation found in India and describe the vegetation of high altitudes.

Answer: The different types of vegetation found in India are:
(i) Tropical Evergreen Forests
(ii) Tropical Deciduous Forests
(iii) Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs
(iv) Montane Forests
(v) Mangrove Forests

In high-altitude areas, the type of vegetation changes with altitude, leading to a variety of plant communities.

  • Between 1,000 and 2,000 metres: Wet temperate forests with evergreen broad-leaf trees like oaks and chestnuts are found.
  • Between 1,500 and 3,000 metres: Temperate forests with coniferous trees such as pine, deodar, silver fir, spruce, and cedar are found.
  • Above 3,600 metres: At altitudes higher than 3,600 metres, temperate forests and grasslands give way to the alpine vegetation. Silver fir, pines and birches are the common trees of these forests. They get progressively stunted as they approach the snow-line. Ultimately through shrubs and scrubs, they merge into the alpine grasslands. At higher altitudes, mosses and lichens form part of tundra vegetation.

Question 5: Quite a few species of plants and animals are endangered in India. Why?

Answer: Few species of plants and animals are endangered in India because of:

  • Increase in population.
  • Urbanization and Industrialization.
  • Large scale deforestation.
  • Pollution.
  • Hunting for pleasure and commercial purpose, etc.

Question 6: Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna?

Answer: India’s rich heritage of flora and fauna is due to its diverse geography and climate, which create varied habitats like the Himalayas, tropical rainforests, deserts, and coastal areas. This diversity supports a wide range of ecosystems, hosting about 47,000 plant species and approximately 90,000 species of animals, including many endemic species. The presence of different vegetation types, from evergreen forests to mangroves, and the country’s position in the Indomalayan realm further contribute to its biodiversity, making India one of the world’s 12 mega biodiversity countries.

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