NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Population

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Population contains answers to the exercise questions given in ‘Contemporary India’. These solutions will help students for the preparation of CBSE Class 9 SST exam. All the answers are useful for exams as most of the questions are asked from the NCERT textbooks. So, students can study these solutions and score high in their exams.

Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Population Questions and Answers

Question 1: Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) Migrations change the number, distribution and composition of the population in

(a) the area of departure
(b) the area of arrival
(c) both the area of departure and arrival
(d) none of the above

Answer: (b) both the area of departure and arriva

(ii) A large proportion of children in a population is a result of

(a) high birth rates
(b) high life expectancies
(c) high death rates
(d) more married couples

Answer: (a) high birth rates

(iii) The magnitude of population growth refers to

(a) the total population of an area
(b) the number of persons added each year
(c) the rate at which the population increases
(d) the number of females per thousand males

Answer: (a) the total population of an area

(iv) According to the Census 2001, a “literate” person is one who

(a) can read and write his/her name
(b) can read and write any language
(c) is 7 years old and can read and write any language with understanding
(d) knows the 3 ‘R’s (reading, writing, arithmetic)

Answer: (c) is 7 year old and can read and write any language with understanding

Question 2: Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) Why is the rate of population growth in India declining since 1981?

Answer: The decline is due to greater awareness and usage of birth control measures

(ii) Discuss the major components of population growth.

Answer: The major components of population growth are Birth Rate, Death Rate and Migration. The difference between birth rate and death rate accounts for natural increase in population. Immigration refers to the inflow of people into a region from other regions.

(iii) Define age structure, death rate and birth rate.

Answer: Age structure: It is the proportion of a population in different age groups.

Death rate: The number of deaths per 1000 persons in a year.

Birth rate: The number of live births for every 1000 persons in a year.

(iv) How is migration a determinant factor of population change?

Answer: Migration significantly influences population change in India. It affects the distribution and composition within the country. It mainly occurs from rural to urban areas, driven by the search for better job opportunities and living conditions. While it doesn’t change the total population size, it alters the demographic characteristics of urban and rural areas, leading to an increased urban population.

Question 3: Distinguish between population growth and population change.

Population GrowthPopulation Change
It refers to the increase in the number of inhabitants of a region during a specific period of time.It refers to the change in the distribution, composition or size of a population during a specific period of time.
Natural increase of population and immigration are the major components causing population growth.Natural increase, immigration and emigration are the major components causing population change.

Question 4: What is the relation between occupational structure and development?

Answer: The occupational structure of a population refers to the distribution of the workforce among different sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, industry, and services. Development, on the other hand, involves economic growth, improvements in the standard of living, and reduction of poverty.

The relation between occupational structure and development is significant because it reflects the economic progress of a country. As economies develop, there’s a shift from agriculture-dominated employment to more jobs in industry and services. This shift indicates higher productivity, technological advancements, and better living standards, showcasing the country’s development.

Question 5: What are the advantages of having a healthy population?

Answer: The advantages of having a healthy population are:

  • Healthier individuals can work more efficiently, leading to increased productivity and economic growth.
  • A healthy population contributes to the economy by being more productive.
  • A healthier population typically has a higher life expectancy, which can lead to a more experienced workforce.
  • Better overall health reduces the demand for medical services, lowering healthcare expenses.
  • Good public health contributes to social stability by reducing stress and potential conflicts related to health issues.

Question 6: What are the significant features of the National Population Policy 2000?

Answer: The National Population Policy 2000 provides a policy framework for:

  • Imparting free and compulsory school education up to 14 years of age.
  • Reducing infant mortality rate to below 30 per 1000 live births.
  • Achieving universal immunization of children against all vaccine-preventable diseases.
  • Promoting delayed marriage for girls to improve their health, educational opportunities, and overall well-being.
  • Making family welfare a people-centred programme.
  • Providing nutritional services and food supplements to adolescents.
  • Protecting adolescents from unwanted pregnancies and sexually-transmitted diseases, and educating them about the risks of unprotected sex.
  • Making contraceptive services accessible and affordable.

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